Sunday, 8 August 2010

Lake Nakuru NP

YAY! So I finally made it to Nakuru National Park! I wasnt sure whether or not to go, but then decided it would have been criminal had I not, its too close to miss out on and its like Kenyas 2nd most visited park or something. So, not getting my hopes up, I was making calls to try and arrange something, and finally decided that there was no way I could go cheap so settled for the next best offer.

It was extremely hot today, totaly toasting in dry heat, but it was perfect! Once again though, we had car trouble, but at least it was at the START of the journey, and just one time :) It was making a horrendous noise and so we got it checked out and turns out it was dust, I cant believe dust can cause this type of damage! but we had it cleaned and were on our way :)

When we got the park, i was determined to get a discount, so psyched myself up to argue, but it was really easier than I thought, the guys looked willing to let me pay student rate, then of course, they had to confirm with a lady, and ladies are for some reason alot tougher, and she was so tough, she just didnt want to hear it.. so in the end, i had to pay the full 50.40 euros (exchange rate was BAD!) but anyway, after paying 10 euros in Masai Mara I wasnt too upset.

Driving in, all I can say is WOW, it was so beautiful. The lake was the first thing to view and you could already see it littered in pink from all the masses of flamingoes. Coming here was like completing my 'big five' list.. we saw here:

Flamingoes, buffaloes, pelicans, (tonnes more birds i cant name, Nakuru NP is famous for birds and is a bird watchers haven), zebras (yawn.. hahah just joking, we even saw brown ones!), gazelles, waterbucks, impalas, warthogs, ostriches (this time male AND female), baboons, those small monkeys, LIONS(!! yaaaaaaaaaay!), the hint of a leopard (it was really far away and we could just see the skin if you squinted and concentrated hard), rhinos (white AND black!!) and giraffes.

so i have now seen lions, rhinos, bufallos, a leopard (albeit very very unclearly in a tree) and elephants... I will call that 4.5/5 :) but im very very satisfied!

the thing i like about these places, once someone sees something thats hard t osee, they radio it to the main gate and it gets around, so you always know there is something good either when there is a HUGE convoy, or when you see vehicles zooming to get somewhere.

On top of the beautiful lake (it really is spectacular) we saw the Makalia falls which was not as big as Thompson falls, but still a cute area :)

then we went for lunch/dinner and i had a buffet, nice to get some good good food (mix of kenyan and western) but something is happening to me, i could only manage 2 plates ;)


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the photos!!

    Are you really really sure it was a leopard or trying to console yourself after failing to get a discount? ;) hehe
